Literature & Abbreviations


arr.   arrival  OHMS official, government
addr.   address/ed  ovpt. overprint
bkstpd.  backstamped o/w otherwise
blk.   block  P lot photographed
canc.   cancelled perf. perforation
cens.  censored PO post office
commerc.  commercial pc. postcard
cpl.  complete ppc. picture postcard
c.t.o.  canc. to order PL plate
diff.  different R rare
ditto  as above VR very rare
 DC  Double Circle (pmk.) reg. registered
doc.  document  SC Single Circle (pmk.)
ex.  from or part of 
(in photo section)
f.  fine  st. stain
FD   first day spb. superb
FDC  first day cover stp. stamp
frkg.  franking S/S Souvenir Sheet
incl.  including t/b tied by
imperf.  imperforated TB Tete-Beche
imptd.  imprinted TLV Tel-Aviv
Jerus.  Jerusalem u used
M.Ha'am  Minhelet Ha'am u/m unmounted mint
marg.  margin/al  w/o without
MNH  min never hinged vf very fine
m. or m. m.  mounted mint  wmk watermark
OAS  On Active Service      



Ba Bale - Mandate & Israel ** mint, never hinged
D Dorfman - Mandate * mint, hinged
FL Fluri - M. Ha’am *,** mint, never hinged but stained
GD Goldstein & Dickstein Mandate (*) unused, no gum
GS Glassman - Jerusalem Mandate 0 used, cancelled
GR Groten - Tel Aviv Mandate c/o used on cutout
HLPH Holyland Postal History Bulletin P photographed lot
H Hochheiser E essay
K Kaplove - J.N.F. (K.K.L.) PR proof
OR OR - Forerunners PC postcard
MI. Michel DOC document
RTS Rothman & Tsachor - Doar Ivri CV cover
SC. Scott - Israel    


Additional  Handbooks & catalogues:

The Ottoman Posts & Telegraph Offices in Palestine & Sinai - N.J. Collins & Steichele, listed St. PM or PM

Steichele - "Ottoman Post", listed w/double numbers 
Steichele - "Handbook of Holy Land Philately"
Vols. I & II - revised by N.J. Collins & L. Dickstein 

"Israel Foreign Postal Links", 1991, Ch. Shamir & Marvin Siegel, listed as IFPL 

"Jerusalem & Safed Postal Services in the Transition Period", 2004, Z. Shimoni, Y. Rimon & I. Karpovsky, listed as JSPS

"Nahariya, Rishon Le Zion, The Negev Settlements...", 2009, Z. Shimoni, I Karpovsky & Z. Aloni, listed as NRNS 

Bale Israel Specialized Catalogue 1948 - 2016, D. Stier, Chariot Publishing, listed as Bale # or Ba #